Sunday, May 25, 2014

One day, there was a family called Clark Family. Clark Family had a dream to go to America. As we know that America has a lot of beautiful place to be visited and they wanted to visit Liberty Statue, Hollywood, and other beautiful places there. It took a long time to collect the money to go to America for Clark Family. Clark as the father of that family which had 10 children had been trying to collect the money for about 7 years. It was very hard for Clark, but he never gave up. It was also Clark's biggest dream to have the vocation in America. 

It was like a surprise for Clark Family when they know that the cost for special package to have the vocation in America was turned down. The special package included transportation, food, and cost for visiting Hollywood and Liberty Statue. However, they would not get the cost for health.

When the time came, there was an accident. The youngest child in Clark Family was bitten by the dog. The doctor said there would be the probability for Clark's youngest child to get rabies and the airport officer didn't allow their family to get on the airplane. They were afraid that rabies would infect the other passengers. Clark was very confused at that time, but he had anticipate all of bad condition would be happened. A super medicine was turned up from his pocket. That medicine could be used to heal all of disease instantly. After a few seconds his youngest child ate that super medicine, she was health again.

Clark Family continued their biggest dream, they went to America and took some photos in front of Liberty Statue and Hollywood. They felt very happy. After they had fulfilled their dream, they want to go back to print their photos and put them in their living room. When they wanted to go back, Clark said, "we can not go back to our home." The other members family just was confused and asked, "Why??". Clark answered, "that is because I have sold our home to buy the super medicine, it is one of my anticipation, so we can go here healthy. However, we can get our home back if we pay agian." The other just kept silent.

At the end Clark Family had the another big dream to go back to their home and put their photos in their home in the living. Clark had to work collect the money as hard as they wanted to go America.


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